We are a year 7 & 8 class from Pompallier Catholic School. My teacher is Whaea Danni.
Friday, 28 August 2020
Holy Orders

End of week reflection
End of Week Reflection
this week I really enjoyed listening to Father Larry talking to us about his journey to becoming a Priest and how he became our school Priest.
One success I have had this week was learning what algerbra was. I really enjoyed learning algerbra becuase you can use it in your everyday life.
somthing I found challenging this week was algerbra. I found algerbra challenging becuase I didn't really understand most of it.
One thing I have learnt this week is my 11 times tables.
One thing I am really looking forward to next week is next week.
I have shown Pono this week by helping the little kids around the playground.
Monday, 24 August 2020
My happy place
My happy place
waves tumble over the rough surface of the rocks
lush green bush
sound of birds chirping echoes through the valley
burning hot sun
fat juicy kina
it's going to be a great day.
Game player
Friday, 21 August 2020
Weekly reflection
Something I enjoyed this week was going to tech. I liked going to tech because we made copper boxs and I really liked it.
One thing I succeeded this week was having a great week. It was a great week was I finished most of my work and I had a positive additude towards my learning.
Somthing I found challenging was the maths work. I found l the maths task challenging becuase I didnt really understand it.
One thing I learnt was what pop art was.
Im looking forward to next week is Daffodil day. Im looking forward to Daffodil day becuase we are raising money to help find a vaccine to stop cancer.
I have shown our value Pono by helping out a younger student in the playground.
It is dark, the sun has not yet risen. As the smooth clear waves crash againest the shore I sit queitly in peace sorounded by the soft sand. As I slowly watch the sun rise the silence and peacefulness is broken. I see an enormaous fleet of war ships come straight towards me. As the soldiers disembark from the ships the sound of thunder roars throught the beach. The sound of gunfire is everywhere. As I look to my left I see a round steel plate tucked under the sand, Before I knew it I was flying in the air overlooking the maddness throughout the beach. As I hit the suface of the smooth sand my ears are bleeding, Theres yelling and screaming all around. As the sun slowly fades away into the distance, the fighting stops and the soldiers had successfully made it to enemy land and won the war. What an horrifice scene, no pebble should ever witness anything like that.
Nice Job Koby on your first paragraph it is very descriptive.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
I am a rectangle. I am a silly, goofy old piece of equipment. I like quit whileall the kids are playing or absent.I love lonliness, it makes me happy and calm. somtimes I feel used and worn out but at the end of the day I am just a table.