

Tuesday, 26 May 2020


Yesterday in class we had a task based around STEAM.
STEAM is Science, Technology, Engineers, Art and Measuring.
Our task was to make a parachute that could safely hold a egg and help it survive from a high drop. Have you ever done something like this?

Friday, 22 May 2020

First week back to school reflection

                      My First week back
One thing I found hard was to try have a healthy hygiene.
One thing I enjoyed was seeing my  friends and being back at school and seeing everyone.
One highlight of my week was getting all my work done by friday.
One thing I achieved was completing all my home work during lockdown.
One thing I want to work on next week is to wear shoes.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020


For today's learning we did a science experiment. 
We did the Magic Milk experiment.
 I enjoyed this task because it was really fun and cool to see how density works. 
This is how i went.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Lockdown reflection

During lockdown me and my family have lots of fun we have enjoyed spending time together.
  • My favourite part of being in lockdown is spending time with my family and hanging out with them.
  • I found staying home the most challenging part of lockdown because sometimes there is nothing left to do.
  • I have missed sports and school the most because I miss hanging out with my mates and learning at school.
  • I am most excited to see all my friends and family when everything goes back to normal.

My symmetry reflection