

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Lockdown reflection

During lockdown me and my family have lots of fun we have enjoyed spending time together.
  • My favourite part of being in lockdown is spending time with my family and hanging out with them.
  • I found staying home the most challenging part of lockdown because sometimes there is nothing left to do.
  • I have missed sports and school the most because I miss hanging out with my mates and learning at school.
  • I am most excited to see all my friends and family when everything goes back to normal.


  1. It looks like you have done some awesome things with your whanau during lockdown, looking forward to having you back at school!

  2. Hi Koby,I'm Heidi from St Patrick's school in Greymouth.
    I think that a lot of people can relate to this.
    I can't wait to see my friends too!

  3. Hi koby great reflection it was really good to reflection hang out with our families
